In The Community
We’re proud to sponsor local clubs and events in the area:

We are so proud to sponsor the U13s ‘Vixens’ and the U8s ‘Sharks’ teams. Grass roots sport makes such a difference to a community; it adds excitement and a sense of belonging for the children, and sponsoring the kit gives us an opportunity to give back to the parents. It’s a huge part of who we are at Towcester Homes.

This one speaks for itself! Everyone loves a big community gathering and we love adding our name and support to such a great NN12 event. Towcester is a large town but maintains its friendly ‘small town’ atmosphere – and we get a chance to catch up with our friends over a few pints and the great British weather!

Friends Of Nicholas Hawksmoor Primary School
Nicholas Hawksmoor is one of our larger primary schools in the town. We were approached a few years ago for sponsorship of their post-Covid events programme to support students in their return to school. FONHS plan, develop and execute some amazing events for the children throughout the year and we are delighted to feel part of the team.

SNVB is a local charity which operates a number of Social Action Projects across the community to help those in need. Towcester Homes proudly sponsors their Rural Information Centre vehicle which allows their Community Connect project to access rural areas and give advice and support on a range of issues such as fuel poverty and food insecurity, to those who might otherwise struggle to travel to urban centres.
Sell or let your Towcester property
Call us on 01327 828 225, email, or fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you!